Friday, December 10, 2010

From The Journal of Waqua Watiki

After a long rest from many adventures I decided it was once again time to pick up my sword and join the fight. However since I had returned home, I had many spells to master and no time to spend searching for the books at the market. Not to mention my stock was completely sold out, my cupboards were bare at Waqua's Projectiles. So what other choice does a poor pally have? I have to trek on over to Starcrest Commune and find my good ol’ pal Andor Quist, research assistant.
Only when I arrive at his counter in The Perfunctory Philosopher alchemy shop there is no one there.

Thinking he must have just stepped out I went to ask the guard, she’d never even heard of Andor Quist.

That’s when it all became clear, in a twisted plot of jealousy Oolimeminoso Pindiliana killed Andor Quist and hid his body in Vermin's Snye. The plan was ingenous, and I knew Oolimeminoso had wanted Andor out from day one.

So I begin to question Oolimeminoso Pindiliana the alchemist, who owns the shop.

Cool as an erudite cucumber he replied,

I continued my query.

Seeing I would get nowhere today I concluded.

but this is by no means over.
